damn, i feel that. i literally just moved back in with my mom after the love of my life broke up with me. my toxicity ruined a beautiful thing and right now i feel regret and sorrow. i feel i should be alone forever cuz i'm so toxic, man. its like i try not to and then one day she just wanted me to be a better partner [get a job and do more around the house] and thats fine but in my head my brain went "omg she's gonna leave me" and i started panicking and being toxic.....and that ruined it. in 5 days i destroyed a pretty happy relationship that just needed a lil work. i dont know how to offer advice, just know you're not alone in this. I'm also trying to make sense of what happened. how did I go from making a woman so happy in our darker time, to just....being another mistake :( I really don't like myself as a person. I'm stuck between the idea of fixing a very broken brain and hoping to god i never make such a mistake again or....just being a hermit. not hurting anyone else with my own insane toxicity. i regret my existence.
I hope that life will get better for you soon.
One day at a time I am learning to be thankful for all that has been given to me.