Alright, NG, here's the deal- I won't sugarcoat it or draw it out, we're all tired and have our own agenda's.
I write music. I want people to hear my music. I work fairly hard to make my music heard, even if it be by less than 100 people a day to start.
You like music. Dunno who you are, or what style you like, but there's some music out there you love. There's a chance you'll enjoy mine, too! You want to be entertained- and I want to entertain you. And it's /free/. How cool is that, NG? FREE MEANS NO MONIES.
Here's what you can do for me; Come listen to two of my tracks. Just two. Chances are, it'll take less than five minutes. Let me know what I'm doing right, and what I need to work on. Regardless of whether or not you've heard my music. If I can get 20 people to each give me two comments, thats 40 comments in one day. That would make me a seriously happy panda.
Below I will put a highlighted string of letters, numbers, and puntuation that you can use to get immediately into my music. I highly recommend that you click on it.
Click on it.
Do it.
Thanks NG! You guys rawk.