It's been over a month in progress, but it's finally finished! Alkima is a group formed by 3 artists, two rappers and one beat-maker, focused on creating music thats good to listen to with a message.
We haven't quite found "our sound" yet, but it's coming along nicely. Enjoy the album, and keep your eye out for later submissions by Alkima!
Track 01- Press Enter to Continue
Track 02- Tenacity
Track 03- Time
Track 04- Unemployment
Track 05- Chronology
Track 06- Gig
Track 07- Wear_The_Crown
Track 08- Gigabyte
Track 09- Freedom
Track 10- Outro
Contributors; Da Razcal [Boenket], Aegimus [Neoalchemist247], and Player 1 [Reikaiser]